Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Ninja and TheKelm
This file is part of CoD4X Plugin Handler source code.
CoD4X Plugin Handler source code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
CoD4X Plugin Handler source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see
#error Please include pinc.h instead!
#define MAX_QPATH 64
#define GENTITYNUM_BITS 10 // JPW NERVE put q3ta default back for testing // don't need to send any more
//#define GENTITYNUM_BITS 11 // don't need to send any more (SA) upped 4/21/2001 adjusted: tr_local.h (802-822), tr_main.c (1501), sv_snapshot (206)
#define MAX_STRING_CHARS 1024
#define MAX_INFO_STRING 1024
#define MAX_OSPATH 256
#define PACKET_BACKUP 32
#define MAX_CLIENTS 64
#define NUMFORCLIENT(clientobj) Plugin_GetClientNumForClient(clientobj)
//#define CLIENT_BASE_ADDR 0x0
//#define clientbase ((client_t*)CLIENT_BASE_ADDR) //e.g. clientbase[i].username
//Types and structs
typedef int scr_entref_t;
typedef int fileHandle_t;
typedef enum {
qfalse, qtrue
} qboolean;
typedef void (*xcommand_t)();
typedef void (*xfunction_t)();
typedef void *client_t_ptr;
typedef unsigned char byte;
// Used for internet communication
typedef enum {
NA_BAD = 0, // an address lookup failed
NA_BOT = 0,
NA_IP = 4,
NA_IP6 = 5,
NA_TCP = 6,
NA_TCP6 = 7,
NA_DOWN = 10
} netadrtype_t;
#pragma pack(1)
typedef struct {
netadrtype_t type;
int scope_id;
unsigned short port;
unsigned short pad;
int sock; //Socket FD. 0 = any socket
union {
byte ip[4];
byte ipx[10];
byte ip6[16];
} netadr_t;
typedef struct {
// sequencing variables
int outgoingSequence;
int sock;
int dropped; // between last packet and previous
int incomingSequence;
//Remote address
netadr_t remoteAddress; // (0x10)
int qport; // qport value to write when transmitting (0x24)
// incoming fragment assembly buffer
int fragmentSequence;
int fragmentLength;
byte *fragmentBuffer; // Old: (0x30)
int fragmentBufferSize;
// outgoing fragment buffer
// we need to space out the sending of large fragmented messages
qboolean unsentFragments;
int unsentFragmentStart;
int unsentLength;
byte *unsentBuffer; //Old: (0x44)
int unsentBufferSize;
} netchan_t;
typedef float vec_t;
typedef vec_t vec2_t[2];
typedef vec_t vec3_t[3];
typedef vec_t vec4_t[4];
typedef vec_t vec5_t[5];
typedef void convariable_t;
typedef struct { // A structure representing a player's scoreboard
int score;
int deaths;
int kills;
int assists;
} clientScoreboard_t;
// usercmd_t is sent to the server each client frame
typedef struct usercmd_s {
int serverTime;
int buttons;
int angles[3];
byte weapon;
byte offHandIndex;
char forwardmove; /* Must be char, not byte */
char rightmove; /* Must be char, not byte */
float meleeChargeYaw;
byte meleeChargeDist;
byte pad[3];
} usercmd_t;
typedef enum {
} cvarType_t;
typedef struct {
char *name;
char *description;
short int flags;
byte type;
byte modified;
union {
float floatval;
float value;
int integer;
char* string;
byte boolean;
union {
float latchedfloatval;
float latchedvalue;
int latchedinteger;
char* latchedstring;
byte latchedboolean;
union {
int imin;
float fmin;
union {
int imax;
float fmax;
const char** enumStr;
} cvar_t;
#define CVAR_ARCHIVE 1 // set to cause it to be saved to vars.rc
// used for system variables, not for player
// specific configurations
#define CVAR_USERINFO 2 // sent to server on connect or change
#define CVAR_SERVERINFO 4 // sent in response to front end requests
#define CVAR_SYSTEMINFO 8 // these cvars will be duplicated on all clients
#define CVAR_INIT 16 // don't allow change from console at all,
// but can be set from the command line
#define CVAR_LATCH 32 // will only change when C code next does
// a Cvar_Get(), so it can't be changed
// without proper initialization. modified
// will be set, even though the value hasn't
// changed yet
#define CVAR_ROM 64 // display only, cannot be set by user at all
#define CVAR_CHEAT 128 // can not be changed if cheats are disabled
#define CVAR_TEMP 256 // can be set even when cheats are disabled, but is not archived
#define CVAR_NORESTART 1024 // do not clear when a cvar_restart is issued
#define CVAR_USER_CREATED 16384 // created by a set command
#define cvardeclarations
//typedef int fileHandle_t;
typedef int clipHandle_t;
typedef enum {
TR_INTERPOLATE, // non-parametric, but interpolate between snapshots
TR_SINE, // value = base + sin( time / duration ) * delta
} trType_t;
typedef struct {
trType_t trType;
int trTime;
int trDuration; // if non 0, trTime + trDuration = stop time
vec3_t trBase;
vec3_t trDelta; // velocity, etc
} trajectory_t;
typedef struct {
int cullDist;
int period;
} lerp_loopFx_t;
typedef struct {
int bodyPitch;
int bodyRoll;
int steerYaw;
int materialTime;
int gunPitch;
int gunYaw;
int teamAndOwnerIndex;
} lerp_vehicle_t;
typedef struct {
int lerp;
} lerp_soundBlend_t;
typedef struct {
int launchTime;
} lerp_missile_t;
typedef struct {
int leanf;
int movementDir;
} lerp_player_t;
typedef struct {
int data[6];
} lerp_anonymous_t;
typedef struct {
int eFlags;
trajectory_t pos; // for calculating position 0x0c
trajectory_t apos; // for calculating angles 0x30
union {
lerp_anonymous_t anonymous;
lerp_player_t player;
lerp_missile_t missile;
lerp_soundBlend_t soundBlend;
lerp_loopFx_t loopFx;
lerp_vehicle_t vehicle;
} u;
} lerp_t;
// entityState_t is the information conveyed from the server
// in an update message about entities that the client will
// need to render in some way
// Different eTypes may use the information in different ways
// The messages are delta compressed, so it doesn't really matter if
// the structure size is fairly large
typedef struct entityState_s {//Confirmed names and offsets but not types
int number; // entity index //0x00
int eType; // entityType_t //0x04
lerp_t lerp;
int time2; //0x70
int otherEntityNum; //0x74 shotgun sources, etc
int attackerEntityNum; //0x78
int groundEntityNum; //0x7c -1 = in air
int loopSound; //0x80 constantly loop this sound
int surfType; //0x84
clipHandle_t index; //0x88
int clientNum; //0x8c 0 to (MAX_CLIENTS - 1), for players and corpses
int iHeadIcon; //0x90
int iHeadIconTeam; //0x94
int solid; //0x98 for client side prediction, trap_linkentity sets this properly 0x98
int eventParm; //0x9c impulse events -- muzzle flashes, footsteps, etc
int eventSequence; //0xa0
vec4_t events; //0xa4
vec4_t eventParms; //0xb4
// for players
int weapon; //0xc4 determines weapon and flash model, etc
int weaponModel; //0xc8
int legsAnim; //0xcc mask off ANIM_TOGGLEBIT
int torsoAnim; //0xd0 mask off ANIM_TOGGLEBIT
union {
int helicopterStage; //0xd4
} un1;
int un2; //0xd8
int fTorsoPitch; //0xdc
int fWaistPitch; //0xe0
vec4_t partBits; //0xe4
} entityState_t; //sizeof(entityState_t): 0xf4
typedef struct {
//entityState_t s; //Duplicated struct is removed
byte linked; //0xf4 qfalse if not in any good cluster
byte bmodel; //0xf5 if false, assume an explicit mins / maxs bounding box
// only set by trap_SetBrushModel
byte svFlags;
byte pad1;
int clientMask[2];
byte inuse;
byte pad2[3];
int broadcastTime;
vec3_t mins, maxs; //0x108 //0x114 from SharedEntity_t
// a non-solid entity should set to 0
vec3_t absmin, absmax; //0x124 //0x130 derived from mins/maxs and origin + rotation
// currentOrigin will be used for all collision detection and world linking.
// it will not necessarily be the same as the trajectory evaluation for the current
// time, because each entity must be moved one at a time after time is advanced
// to avoid simultanious collision issues
vec3_t currentOrigin; //0x13c
vec3_t currentAngles; //0x148
// when a trace call is made and passEntityNum != ENTITYNUM_NONE,
// an ent will be excluded from testing if:
// ent->s.number == passEntityNum (don't interact with self)
// ent->r.ownerNum == passEntityNum (don't interact with your own missiles)
// entity[ent->r.ownerNum].r.ownerNum == passEntityNum (don't interact with other missiles from owner)
uint16_t ownerNum; //0x154
uint16_t pad3;
int eventTime;
} entityShared_t;
typedef struct {
int sprintButtonUpRequired;
int sprintDelay;
int lastSprintStart;
int lastSprintEnd;
int sprintStartMaxLength;
} sprintState_t;
typedef struct {
int yaw;
int timer;
int transIndex;
int flags;
} mantleState_t;
typedef enum {
} OffhandSecondaryClass_t;
typedef enum {
} ViewLockTypes_t;
typedef enum {
} ActionSlotType_t;
typedef struct {
unsigned int index;
} ActionSlotParam_SpecifyWeapon_t;
typedef struct {
ActionSlotParam_SpecifyWeapon_t specifyWeapon;
} ActionSlotParam_t;
typedef enum {
} he_type_t;
/* 6853 */
typedef struct {
char r;
char g;
char b;
char a;
} hudelem_colorsplit_t;
/* 6854 */
typedef union {
hudelem_colorsplit_t split;
int rgba;
} hudelem_color_t;
typedef struct hudelem_s {
he_type_t type;
float x;
float y;
float z;
int targetEntNum;
float fontScale;
int font;
int alignOrg;
int alignScreen;
hudelem_color_t color;
hudelem_color_t fromColor; //0x28
int fadeStartTime; //0x2c
int fadeTime;
int label;
int width;
int height; //0x3C
int materialIndex;
int offscreenMaterialIdx; //0x44
int fromWidth;
int fromHeight;
int scaleStartTime;
int scaleTime;
float fromX;
float fromY;
int fromAlignOrg;
int fromAlignScreen;
int moveStartTime;
int moveTime;
int time;
int duration;
float value;
int text;
float sort;
hudelem_color_t glowColor; //0x84
int fxBirthTime;
int fxLetterTime;
int fxDecayStartTime;
int fxDecayDuration;
int soundID;
int flags;
} hudelem_t;
typedef struct hudElemState_s {
hudelem_t current[MAX_HUDELEMENTS];
hudelem_t archival[MAX_HUDELEMENTS];
} hudElemState_t;
typedef enum {
} objectiveState_t;
typedef struct objective_s {
objectiveState_t state;
float origin[3];
int entNum;
int teamNum;
int icon;
} objective_t;
typedef struct playerState_s {
int commandTime; // 0
int pm_type; // 4
int bobCycle; // 8
int pm_flags; // 12
int weapFlags; // 16
int otherFlags; // 20
int pm_time; // 24
vec3_t origin; // 28
// http://zeroy.com/script/player/getvelocity.htm
vec3_t velocity; // 40
vec2_t oldVelocity;
int weaponTime; // 60
int weaponDelay; // 64
int grenadeTimeLeft; // 68
int throwBackGrenadeOwner; // 72
int throwBackGrenadeTimeLeft; // 76
int weaponRestrictKickTime; // 80
int foliageSoundTime; // 84
int gravity; // 88
int leanf; // 92
int speed; // 96
vec3_t delta_angles; // 100
/*The ground entity's rotation will be added onto the player's view. In particular, this will
* cause the player's yaw to rotate around the entity's z-axis instead of the world z-axis.
* Any rotation that the reference entity undergoes will affect the player.
* http://zeroy.com/script/player/playersetgroundreferenceent.htm */
int groundEntityNum; // 112
vec3_t vLadderVec; // 116
int jumpTime; // 128
float jumpOriginZ; // 132
// Animations as in mp/playeranim.script and animtrees/multiplayer.atr, it also depends on mp/playeranimtypes.txt (the currently used weapon)
int legsTimer; // 136
int legsAnim; // 140
int torsoTimer; // 144
int torsoAnim; // 148
int legsAnimDuration;
int torsoAnimDuration;
int damageTimer; // 160
int damageDuration; // 164
int flinchYawAnim; // 168
int movementDir; // 172
int eFlags; // 176
int eventSequence; // 180
int events[4];
unsigned int eventParms[4];
int oldEventSequence;
int clientNum; // 220
int offHandIndex; // 224
OffhandSecondaryClass_t offhandSecondary; // 228
int weapon; // 232
int weaponstate; // 236
int weaponShotCount; // 240
int fWeaponPosFrac; // 244
int adsDelayTime; // 248
// http://zeroy.com/script/player/resetspreadoverride.htm
// http://zeroy.com/script/player/setspreadoverride.htm
int spreadOverride; // 252
int spreadOverrideState; // 256
int viewmodelIndex; // 260
vec3_t viewangles; // 264
int viewHeightTarget; // 276
float viewHeightCurrent; // 280
int viewHeightLerpTime; // 284
int viewHeightLerpTarget; // 288
int viewHeightLerpDown; // 292
vec2_t viewAngleClampBase; // 296
vec2_t viewAngleClampRange; // 304
int damageEvent; // 312
int damageYaw; // 316
int damagePitch; // 320
int damageCount; // 324
int stats[5];
int ammo[128];
int ammoclip[128];
unsigned int weapons[4];
unsigned int weaponold[4];
unsigned int weaponrechamber[4];
int proneDirection; // 1420
int proneDirectionPitch; // 1424
int proneTorsoPitch; // 1428
ViewLockTypes_t viewlocked; // 1432
int viewlocked_entNum; // 1436
int cursorHint; // 1440
int cursorHintString; // 1444
int cursorHintEntIndex; // 1448
int iCompassPlayerInfo; // 1452
int radarEnabled; // 1456
int locationSelectionInfo; // 1460
sprintState_t sprintState; // 1464
// used for leaning?
float fTorsoPitch; // 1484
float fWaistPitch; // 1488
float holdBreathScale; // 1492
int holdBreathTimer; // 1496
// Scales player movement speed by this amount, ???it's actually a float???
// http://zeroy.com/script/player/setmovespeedscale.htm
float moveSpeedScaleMultiplier; // 1500
mantleState_t mantleState; // 1504
float meleeChargeYaw; // 1520
int meleeChargeDist; // 1524
int meleeChargeTime; // 1528
int perks; // 1532
ActionSlotType_t actionSlotType[4]; // 1536
ActionSlotParam_t actionSlotParam[4]; // 1552
int entityEventSequence; // 1568
int weapAnim; // 1572
float aimSpreadScale; // 1576
// http://zeroy.com/script/player/shellshock.htm
int shellshockIndex; // 1580
int shellshockTime; // 1584
int shellshockDuration; // 1588
// http://zeroy.com/script/player/setdepthoffield.htm
float dofNearStart; // 1592
float dofNearEnd; // 1596
float dofFarStart; // 1600
float dofFarEnd; // 1604
float dofNearBlur; // 1608
float dofFarBlur; // 1612
float dofViewmodelStart; // 1616
float dofViewmodelEnd; // 1620
int hudElemLastAssignedSoundID; // 1624
objective_t objective[16];
char weaponmodels[128];
int deltaTime; // 2204
int killCamEntity; // 2208
hudElemState_t hud; // 2212
} playerState_t; //Size: 0x2f64
typedef struct gentity_s gentity_t;
struct gentity_s {
entityState_t s;
entityShared_t r; // shared by both the server system and game
struct gclient_s *client; // NULL if not a client 0x15c
struct turretInfo_s *pTurretInfo;
struct scr_vehicle_s *scr_vehicle;
uint16_t model;
byte physicsObject;
byte takedamage;
byte active;
byte nopickup;
byte handler;
byte team;
uint16_t classname;
uint16_t target;
uint16_t targetname;
uint16_t pad;
unsigned int attachIgnoreCollision;
int spawnflags;
int flags;
int eventTime;
char pad_188[24];
int healthPoints;
char unknown[208];
char *classname; // set in QuakeEd
int spawnflags; // set in QuakeEd
qboolean neverFree; // if true, FreeEntity will only unlink
// bodyque uses this
int flags; // FL_* variables
char *model;
char *model2;
int freetime; // level.time when the object was freed
int eventTime; // events will be cleared EVENT_VALID_MSEC after set
qboolean freeAfterEvent;
qboolean unlinkAfterEvent;
qboolean physicsObject; // if true, it can be pushed by movers and fall off edges
// all game items are physicsObjects,
float physicsBounce; // 1.0 = continuous bounce, 0.0 = no bounce
int clipmask; // brushes with this content value will be collided against
// when moving. items and corpses do not collide against
// players, for instance
// movers
moverState_t moverState;
int soundPos1;
int sound1to2;
int sound2to1;
int soundPos2;
int soundLoop;
// JOSEPH 1-26-00
int sound2to3;
int sound3to2;
int soundPos3;
int soundKicked;
int soundKickedEnd;
int soundSoftopen;
int soundSoftendo;
int soundSoftclose;
int soundSoftendc;
gentity_t *parent;
gentity_t *nextTrain;
gentity_t *prevTrain;
// JOSEPH 1-26-00
vec3_t pos1, pos2, pos3;
char *message;
int timestamp; // body queue sinking, etc //0x1bc
float angle; // set in editor, -1 = up, -2 = down
char *target;
char *targetname;
char *team;
char *targetShaderName;
char *targetShaderNewName;
gentity_t *target_ent;
float speed;
float closespeed; // for movers that close at a different speed than they open
vec3_t movedir;
int gDuration;
int gDurationBack;
vec3_t gDelta;
vec3_t gDeltaBack;
int nextthink;
void ( *think )( gentity_t *self );
void ( *reached )( gentity_t *self ); // movers call this when hitting endpoint
void ( *blocked )( gentity_t *self, gentity_t *other );
void ( *touch )( gentity_t *self, gentity_t *other, trace_t *trace );
void ( *use )( gentity_t *self, gentity_t *other, gentity_t *activator );
void ( *pain )( gentity_t *self, gentity_t *attacker, int damage, vec3_t point );
void ( *die )( gentity_t *self, gentity_t *inflictor, gentity_t *attacker, int damage, int mod );
int pain_debounce_time;
int fly_sound_debounce_time; // wind tunnel
int last_move_time;
int health; //0x1A0 ??
qboolean takedamage; //0x16b
int damage;
int splashDamage; // quad will increase this without increasing radius
int splashRadius;
int methodOfDeath;
int splashMethodOfDeath;
int count;
gentity_t *chain;
gentity_t *enemy;
gentity_t *activator;
gentity_t *teamchain; // next entity in team
gentity_t *teammaster; // master of the team
int watertype;
int waterlevel;
int noise_index;
// timing variables
float wait; //
float random; //
// Rafael - sniper variable
// sniper uses delay, random, radius
int radius;
float delay;
// JOSEPH 10-11-99
int TargetFlag;
float duration;
vec3_t rotate;
vec3_t TargetAngles;
gitem_t *item; // for bonus items
// Ridah, AI fields
char *aiAttributes;
char *aiName;
int aiTeam;
void ( *AIScript_AlertEntity )( gentity_t *ent );
qboolean aiInactive;
int aiCharacter; // the index of the type of character we are (from aicast_soldier.c)
// done.
char *aiSkin;
char *aihSkin;
vec3_t dl_color;
char *dl_stylestring;
char *dl_shader;
int dl_atten;
int key; // used by: target_speaker->nopvs,
qboolean active; //0x16c
qboolean botDelayBegin;
// Rafael - mg42
float harc;
float varc;
int props_frame_state;
// Ridah
int missionLevel; // mission we are currently trying to complete
// gets reset each new level
// done.
// Rafael
qboolean is_dead;
// done
int start_size;
int end_size;
// Rafael props
qboolean isProp;
int mg42BaseEnt;
gentity_t *melee;
char *spawnitem;
qboolean nopickup;
int flameQuota, flameQuotaTime, flameBurnEnt;
int count2;
int grenadeExplodeTime; // we've caught a grenade, which was due to explode at this time
int grenadeFired; // the grenade entity we last fired
int mg42ClampTime; // time to wait before an AI decides to ditch the mg42
char *track;
// entity scripting system
char *scriptName;
int numScriptEvents;
g_script_event_t *scriptEvents; // contains a list of actions to perform for each event type
g_script_status_t scriptStatus; // current status of scripting
// the accumulation buffer
int scriptAccumBuffer[G_MAX_SCRIPT_ACCUM_BUFFERS];
qboolean AASblocking;
float accuracy;
char *tagName; // name of the tag we are attached to
gentity_t *tagParent;
float headshotDamageScale;
int lastHintCheckTime; // DHM - Nerve
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// if working on a post release patch, new variables should ONLY be inserted after this point
// DHM - Nerve :: the above warning does not really apply to MP, but I'll follow it for good measure
int voiceChatSquelch; // DHM - Nerve
int voiceChatPreviousTime; // DHM - Nerve
int lastBurnedFrameNumber; // JPW - Nerve : to fix FT instant-kill exploit*/
}; //Size: 0x274
typedef enum {
CS_FREE, // can be reused for a new connection
CS_ZOMBIE, // client has been disconnected, but don't reuse
// connection for a couple seconds
CS_CONNECTED, // has been assigned to a client_t, but no gamestate yet
CS_PRIMED, // gamestate has been sent, but client hasn't sent a usercmd
CS_ACTIVE // client is fully in game
} clientConnectState_t;
typedef struct {//(0x2146c);
playerState_t ps; //0x2146c
int num_entities;
int num_clients; // (0x2f68)
int first_entity; // (0x2f6c)into the circular sv_packet_entities[]
int first_client;
// the entities MUST be in increasing state number
// order, otherwise the delta compression will fail
unsigned int messageSent; // (0x243e0 | 0x2f74) time the message was transmitted
unsigned int messageAcked; // (0x243e4 | 0x2f78) time the message was acked
int messageSize; // (0x243e8 | 0x2f7c) used to rate drop packets
int var_03;
} clientSnapshot_t; //size: 0x2f84
typedef struct {
char num;
char data[256];
int dataLen;
} voices_t;
typedef struct {
int checksum;
byte bytedata[2000];
int longdata[1547];
} statData_t;
#define MAX_ZPATH 256
typedef void* unzFile;
typedef union qfile_gus {
FILE* o;
unzFile z;
} qfile_gut;
typedef struct qfile_us {
qfile_gut file;
qboolean unique;
} qfile_ut;
typedef struct {
qfile_ut handleFiles;
qboolean handleSync;
int fileSize;
int zipFilePos;
qboolean zipFile;
qboolean streamed;
char name[MAX_ZPATH];
//Not used by filesystem api
void* writebuffer;
int bufferSize;
int bufferPos; //For buffered writes, next write position for logfile buffering
int rbufferPos; //next read position
} fileHandleData_t; //0x11C (284) Size
typedef struct client_s
clientConnectState_t state;
int unksnapshotvar; // must timeout a few frames in a row so debugging doesn't break
int deltaMessage; // frame last client usercmd message
qboolean rateDelayed; // true if nextSnapshotTime was set based on rate instead of snapshotMsec
netchan_t netchan;
fileHandleData_t demofile;
qboolean demorecording;
qboolean demowaiting;
char demoName[MAX_QPATH];
int demoArchiveIndex;
int demoMaxDeltaFrames;
int demoDeltaFrameCount;
qboolean undercover;
int bantime;
int clienttimeout;
int power;
int msgType;
int enteredWorldTime;
unsigned int clFrames;
unsigned int clFrameCalcTime;
unsigned int clFPS;
float jumpHeight;
qboolean needPassword;
unsigned int connectedTime;
char xversion[8];
int protocol;
qboolean needupdate;
qboolean updateconnOK;
unsigned int updateBeginTime;
byte reliablemsg[40 + 44];
uint64_t steamid;
uint64_t steamidPending;
uint64_t clanid;
uint64_t clanidPending;
uint64_t playerid;
int steamstatus;
int isMember; //Steam group membership.
//If sv_steamgroup is set up this variable will be 0 if membership status is still unknown.
//It will be -1 if he is not a member or 1 if he is a member or 2 if he is an officer
int mutelevel; //1 = voice blocked; 2 = chat and voice blocked
char name[36];
char clantag[16];
char* commandWhitelist[32];
int configDataAcknowledge; //New: to determine which config data updates the client has not yet received
vec3_t predictedOrigin;
int predictedOriginServerTime;
const char* delayDropMsg;
char userinfo[MAX_INFO_STRING]; // name, etc
byte reliableCommands[MAX_RELIABLE_COMMANDS * (MAX_STRING_CHARS + 2 * sizeof (int))]; // (0xa50)
int reliableSequence; // last added reliable message, not necesarily sent or acknowledged yet
int reliableAcknowledge; // last acknowledged reliable message
int reliableSent; // last sent reliable message, not necesarily acknowledged yet
int messageAcknowledge; //
int gamestateMessageNum; // netchan->outgoingSequence of gamestate
int challenge;
usercmd_t lastUsercmd;
int lastClientCommand; // reliable client message sequence
char lastClientCommandString[MAX_STRING_CHARS];
gentity_t *gentity;
int wwwDl_var01;
// downloading
char downloadName[MAX_QPATH]; // if not empty string, we are downloading
fileHandle_t download; // file being downloaded
int downloadSize; // total bytes (can't use EOF because of paks)
int downloadCount; // bytes sent
int downloadClientBlock; // Current block we send to client
int downloadCurrentBlock; // current block number
int downloadXmitBlock; // last block we xmited
int downloadBeginOffset;
int downloadNumBytes;
int downloadBlockSize;
qboolean downloadEOF; // We have sent the EOF block
int downloadSendTime; // time we last got an ack from the client
char wwwDownloadURL[MAX_OSPATH]; // URL from where the client should download the current file
qboolean wwwDownload;
qboolean wwwDownloadStarted;
qboolean wwwDlAck;
qboolean wwwDl_failed;
int nextReliableTime; // svs.time when another reliable command will be allowed
int floodprotect;
int lastPacketTime; // svs.time when packet was last received
int lastConnectTime; // svs.time when connection started
int nextSnapshotTime; // send another snapshot when svs.time >= nextSnapshotTime
int timeoutCount;
clientSnapshot_t frames[PACKET_BACKUP]; //updates can be delta'd from here
int ping;
int rate; // bytes / second
int snapshotMsec; // requests a snapshot every snapshotMsec unless rate choked
int unknown6;
int pureAuthentic;
char legacy_pbguid[33];
byte pad;
short scriptId;
int canNotReliable;
int serverId;
voices_t voicedata[40];
int voicePacketCount;
byte muteList[MAX_CLIENTS];
byte sendVoice;
byte receivedstats;
byte gamestateSent;
byte hasValidPassword;
statData_t stats;
typedef struct {
//Player banned
char playername[33];
uint64_t steamid;
uint64_t playerid;
netadr_t adr;
//Admin who did ban
char adminname[33];
uint64_t adminsteamid;
//Details about the ban
char message[1024];
time_t expire;
unsigned int duration; //minutes
time_t created;
} baninfo_t;
/* For HTTP API */
// msg.c
typedef struct {
qboolean overflowed; //0x00
qboolean readonly; //0x04
byte *data; //0x08
byte *splitdata; //0x0c
int maxsize; //0x10
int cursize; //0x14
int splitcursize; //0x18
int readcount; //0x1c
int bit; //0x20 // for bitwise reads and writes
int lastRefEntity; //0x24
} msg_t; //Size: 0x28
typedef enum {
} ftprotocols_t;
typedef struct {
qboolean lock;
qboolean active;
qboolean transferactive;
int transferStartTime;
int socket;
int transfersocket;
int sentBytes;
int finallen;
int totalreceivedbytes;
int transfertotalreceivedbytes;
msg_t *extrecvmsg;
msg_t *extsendmsg;
msg_t sendmsg;
msg_t recvmsg;
msg_t transfermsg;
qboolean complete;
int code;
int version;
char status[32];
char address[MAX_STRING_CHARS];
char username[256];
char password[256];
char contentType[64];
char cookie[MAX_STRING_CHARS];
int mode;
int headerLength;
int contentLength;
int contentLengthArrived;
int currentChunkLength;
int currentChunkReadOffset;
int chunkedEncoding;
int startTime;
int stage;
ftprotocols_t protocol;
netadr_t remote;
} ftRequest_t;
typedef enum {
} clientConnected_t;
typedef enum {
} spectatorState_t;
typedef enum {
TEAM_BEGIN, // Beginning a team game, spawn at base
TEAM_ACTIVE // Now actively playing
} playerTeamStateState_t;
typedef struct {
int location;
} playerTeamState_t;
typedef enum {
#define MAX_NETNAME 16
typedef struct clientState_s
int clientIndex;
team_t team;
int modelindex;
int attachModelIndex[6];
int attachTagIndex[6];
char netname[MAX_NETNAME];
float maxSprintTimeMultiplier;
int rank;
int prestige;
int perks;
int attachedVehEntNum;
int attachedVehSlotIndex;
typedef struct {
int forceSpectatorClient;
int unk2;
int unk3; // These 2 are between int status_icon;
int archiveTime; //0x2f74
clientScoreboard_t scoreboard; //0x2f78
uint16_t scriptPersId; //0x2f88 the first spawn should be at a cool location
byte pad2;
byte pad;
clientConnected_t connected; //0x2f8c
usercmd_t cmd; //0x2f90 we would lose angles if not persistant
usercmd_t oldcmd; //0x2fb0 previous command processed by pmove()
qboolean localClient; //0x2fd0 true if "ip" info key is "localhost"
qboolean predictItemPickup; //0x2fd4 based on cg_predictItems userinfo
char newnetname[MAX_NETNAME]; //0x2fd8
int maxHealth; // 0x2fe8 for handicapping
int enterTime; // 0x2fec level.time the client entered the game
playerTeamState_t teamState; // status in teamplay games
int voteCount; // 0x2ff4 to prevent people from constantly calling votes
int teamVoteCount; // to prevent people from constantly calling votes // N/A
float moveSpeedScaleMultiplier; // 0x2ffc
int viewmodelIndex; // 0x3000 //Model-index
qboolean noSpectate; // 0x3004
int teamInfo; // 0x3008 is free (unused)addr
clientState_t cs;
int psOffsetTime;
} clientSession_t;
struct gclient_s {
// ps MUST be the first element, because the server expects it
playerState_t ps; //0x00 communicated by server to clients
// the rest of the structure is private to game
clientSession_t sess; //0x2f64
int spectatorClient; //0x3074 for chasecam and follow mode
qboolean noclip; //0x3078
qboolean ufo; //0x307c
qboolean bFrozen; //0x3080
int lastCmdTime; //0x3084 level.time of last usercmd_t, for EF_CONNECTION
// we can't just use pers.lastCommand.time, because
// of the g_sycronousclients case
int buttons; //0x3088
int oldbuttons;
int latched_buttons;
int buttonsSinceLastFrame; //0x3094
vec3_t oldOrigin;
// sum up damage over an entire frame, so
// shotgun blasts give a single big kick
float fGunPitch;
float fGunYaw;
int damage_blood; // damage taken out of health
vec3_t damage_from; //0x30b0 origin for vector calculation
qboolean damage_fromWorld; //0x30bc if true, don't use the damage_from vector
int accurateCount; // for "impressive" reward sound N/A
int accuracy_shots; // total number of shots N/A
int accuracy_hits; // total number of hits N/A
int inactivityTime; //0x30cc kick players when time > this
qboolean inactivityWarning; //0x30d0 qtrue if the five second warning has been given
int playerTalkTime; //0x30d4 ??
int rewardTime; // clear the EF_AWARD_IMPRESSIVE, etc when time > this N/A
vec3_t unk; //0x30dc
int airOutTime; //0x30e8 Unknown only reset
int lastKillTime; // ???for multiple kill rewards
int dummy34;
qboolean fireHeld; // ???used for hook
gentity_t *persistantPowerup; //0x30f8 grapple hook if out
int switchTeamTime; //0x30fc time the player switched teams
int IMtooLazy[33];
//Not anymore resolved
// timeResidual is used to handle events that happen every second
// like health / armor countdowns and regeneration
/* int timeResidual;
float currentAimSpreadScale;
int medicHealAmt;
// RF, may be shared by multiple clients/characters
animModelInfo_t *modelInfo;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// if working on a post release patch, new variables should ONLY be inserted after this point
gentity_t *persistantPowerup;
int portalID;
int ammoTimes[WP_NUM_WEAPONS];
int invulnerabilityTime;
gentity_t *cameraPortal; // grapple hook if out
vec3_t cameraOrigin;
int dropWeaponTime; // JPW NERVE last time a weapon was dropped
int limboDropWeapon; // JPW NERVE weapon to drop in limbo
int deployQueueNumber; // JPW NERVE player order in reinforcement FIFO queue
int sniperRifleFiredTime; // JPW NERVE last time a sniper rifle was fired (for muzzle flip effects)
float sniperRifleMuzzleYaw; // JPW NERVE for time-dependent muzzle flip in multiplayer
int lastBurnTime; // JPW NERVE last time index for flamethrower burn
int PCSpecialPickedUpCount; // JPW NERVE used to count # of times somebody's picked up this LTs ammo (or medic health) (for scoring)
int saved_persistant[MAX_PERSISTANT]; // DHM - Nerve :: Save ps->persistant here during Limbo
// g_antilag.c
int topMarker;
clientMarker_t clientMarkers[MAX_CLIENT_MARKERS];
clientMarker_t backupMarker;
gentity_t *tempHead; // Gordon: storing a temporary head for bullet head shot detection
pmoveExt_t pmext;*/
#pragma pack(push, 1)
#define MAX_POST_VALS 32
struct httpPostValsInternal_s {
char name[MAX_STRING_CHARS];
char value[MAX_STRING_CHARS];
typedef struct httpPostValsInternal_s httpPostVals_t[MAX_POST_VALS];
#ifdef _WIN32
typedef uint32_t threadid_t;
typedef pthread_t threadid_t;
#include "plugin_declarations.h"
#include "function_declarations.h" // Function descriptions are available in this file
#include "callback_declarations.h"